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Bark Collars
Teach your dog the art of silence. Safe and effective bark control solutions.

- SportDOG NoBark SBC-R® Rechargeable Bark Control Collar$99.95
SportDOG's new and updated bark collar. The updated device has 10 levels of stimulation, three custom user modes, and is accurately triggered by both vibration and sound, still making this one of our favorites. The SportDOG R is for dogs 10 lbs. and up...
- Dogtra YS-600 Yapper Stopper$89.99
The Dogtra YS-600 (the Yapper Stopper) is simply a straightforward, solid, dependable, bark collar built with the medium to large dog in mind. The best part about it is that it delivers a vibration just prior to the static correction, conditioning your dog to learn that the vibration means to stop. With eventual use, you'll be able to turn off the static correction of the collar, and keep your dog from barking with just vibration. This is Dogtra's upgrade from the YS-500 for dogs 35 lbs. and up...
- Garmin Bark Limiter Deluxe (Rechargeable)$129.99
This is Garmin's upgrade to the rechargable Tri-tronics Bark Limiter G3, and remains one of our most effective bark collars. It includes a autorise functionality which allows your dog to set its own level of stimulation. For dogs 8 lbs. and up...
- Eyenimal Miniature Bark Control Collar$89.00
Our tiniest static bark control collar, perfect for small, miniature, toy, and otherwise little dogs. Offering 3 customizable levels of control, including levels for stubborn yappers. For miniature dogs below 9lbs...
- Dogtra YS-300 Yapper Stopper$84.99
This collar is extremely effective in stopping your little dog from barking. The best part about it is that it delivers a vibration just prior to the static correction, conditioning your dog to learn that the vibration means to stop. With eventual use, you'll be able to turn off the static correction of the collar, and keep your dog from barking with just vibration. For dogs between 10 and 45 lbs...
- Petsafe Vibration Bark Control Collar$74.95
List: $88.99A Vibration Only bark control collar that safely corrects unwanted or nuisence barking. Uses a random, intermittent vibration that distracts and interrupts your dogs unwanted behavior...
- PetSafe Spray Bark Collar$74.95
A safe alternative to correcting unwanted barking. Uses a burst of gentle spray aimed at your pets nose to distract and deter unwanted barking. Perfect for smaller house dogs and surprisingly effective! Your little friend will appreciate this softer approach. For dogs 8 and up...
Derrick Moore, Senior Field Staff
The perfect anti bark collar can make all the difference with stopping your barking dogs fast... and with so many dog bark collars to choose from, we figured we'd cut through the clutter and show you the ones we were most impressed with. This page shows our recommendations for controlling nuisance or excessive barking.
Let's face it, dogs bark. It's the way they communicate. However, like humans, some dogs communicate much more than others. We're not here to tell you whether your dog is a nuisance or not, that’s for you (or your neighbor) to determine. Nonetheless, if you are dealing with unnecessary problem barking then that's probably what lead you to us in the first place. Nuisance barking can usually be attributed to a few different factors such as boredom, loneliness, or simply a bad habit. But, thankfully, excessive barking can usually be corrected with the right collar.
What Exactly Is a Bark Collar?
A dog bark collar is basically a device that uses sensors to detect barking and then uses a form of correction to train your dog to stop being so noisy. The most effective types of collars have both sound and vibration sensors. If the device only uses one form of detection then the device could pick up other sounds from your dog or from other animals and just puzzle your dog. Most quality bark control devices fit into this category. When it comes to barking collars you usually get what you pay for.
Types of Collars & How Well They Work
There are three main types of effective bark devices that use both sound and vibration to detect barking: the static collar, the ultrasonic collar and the citronella or spray collar. Many bark collar user reviews can often be confusing and misleading so we will try to break it down so you can understand exactly what each type of device actually does and which unit would be most practical for your situation.
The most effective type of bark device is the static collar. This device uses a static "shock" similar to the sensation you feel when you touch something and are “shocked” by static electricity, like touching a metal object. It scares you but, it doesn’t really hurt. The static collar usually has several levels of intensity so if you have a sensitive or stubborn dog the settings can be adjusted to customize the device for your dog.
The second most effective collar is the citronella or spray collar. This unit sprays an unsavory citronella scented liquid towards the dog’s muzzle. It does not hurt the dog but, they sure hate the smell and the taste.
The third and least effective dog barking collar is the ultrasonic collar. This device emits a high frequency tone that only dogs can hear. Quite frankly, and from what we see in customer reviews, this is one of those hit or miss devices. It either annoys your dog and the dog stops barking or it doesn’t. It’s too hard to tell without actually trying the unit out.
Choosing the Right Device to Stop Nuisance Barking
Knowing a bit about what a bark collar is and the types of collars that actually work, filtering through the clutter and choosing the correct bark collar for your needs is actually pretty simple. First, choose the right size unit for your dog, usually by weight, breed and neck size. Then determine which type of device (static, sonic, or spray) you think will be most effective for your dog. The last step is choosing between the many brands of collars. We feel that Petsafe, SportDOG, and Garmin offer the greatest anti bark devices on the market. Don't forget to take a look at the reviews before you buy, because you'll usually learn something from someone's experiences with that product. Remember, you usually get what you pay for.
Finally, when using any type of barking device, please follow the instructions that come with the collar to insure that you do not cause additional stress to you beloved pet, and always be patient... The barking will not stop overnight. Your dog needs you to understand that barking is a natural part of who they are and when properly trained, whether using a bark collar or not, your dog should learn the correct usage of their canine chatter. For little dogs, take a look at our small dog bark collars using the menu on the right.
Additional Resources:
The Training Benefits of Using Bark Collars
Let's Talk About Barking - Are Bark Collars Right For Your Dog?
9 Common Training Collar Mistakes - Barks Collars Included
Can Bark Collars Help With Separation Anxiety or Latchkey Dogs?