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Underground Dog Fences
Keep your dogs within your exact boundary zone.

- SportDOG Underground Dog Fence System$319.95
Made by an industry leader, SportDog's underground fence system is top of the line. Custom build a containment area around your home to protect your pet, and your flower beds. With additional wire this sport dog fence can cover up 100 acres...
- Dogtra eF-3000 e-Fence System$199.99
Dogtra's underground containment system with plenty of options...
- SportDOG Contain + Train Dog Fence System$469.95
Continuous, Momentary, Vibration, Tone
Train your dog and contain him with a single, convenient collar...
- PetSafe Comfort-Fit Deluxe Little Dog Fence System$209.95
List: $415.95An underground boundary system designed with a small, lightweight Collar/Receiver built for little and smaller breeds...
Derrick Moore, Senior Field Staff
How to setup and train your dog to use the in-ground fence system.
If you’ve been thinking about getting an electronic or in-ground fence system or if you’ve already made the purchase but, just can’t stand the thought of the work after you take it out of the box, these tips are here to easy your worries. An in-ground fence system is safe and effective for keeping your dog in a confined space away from dangers. If by chance, you have already been using an electronic training collar for hunting or otherwise then you are already ahead of the game since your dog already knows the ins and outs of an e-collar and what the sounds and vibrations mean. But, if your dog hasn’t ever been trained on an electronic collar you can still train him with just a few simple, easy to follow steps.
Step 1: Establish the "here" or "come" command.
There is no reason to assume that your dog will automatically come to you if you have never trained him to do so. If you have a training collar then use that but, if the fence is your first electronic collar, use it, as dummy collar. You should limit your initial training sessions to no more than 15 minutes. Repetition and consistency are the keys to a solid command. Your dog should master the come command before you move on.
Step 2: Introduce your dog to the fence.
Yes, they may seem unsightly at first but you will never regret putting the flags down. Giving your dog a visual boundary is one of the most critical steps in the process. Once you have the flags down just simply walk your dog around the yard with the collar on but turned off so that he gets a chance to see that something is different. Don’t try to baby him and make him think the flags are his new toys. If he seems jumpy or scared of the flags then that’s ok, that will actually make your job a little easier. If while you are introducing him to the new boundary he tries to cross over then give him the command ‘come’ or just tell him no. You are showing him that the flags are off limits and the proper reaction is to move back. If however, your dog has already been trained with a training collar and understands what the static shock or vibration means then it is perfectly fine to start off with the collar on and allow him to receive the correction.
Step 3: It is time to turn the collar on.
After you feel that your dog understands that the flags are off limits and that he will be corrected if he crosses over, it is time to turn the collar on. Once again, walk him around the yard close to the boundary flags and watch for his reaction. This can take a while if your dog is still new to the idea but, don’t leave him outside alone since he still needs your guidance until he fully understands the boundaries. Be patient with him if he continues to break the boundary because he is learning and this is new. His territory just decreased and he doesn’t quite understand that it is a fence. Remember during this stage to stay INSIDE the safe zone. Don’t tempt him to see his reaction. When he crosses over and returns to you, make sure you praise him or offer him some kind of prize so that he starts to realize that staying on the safe side of the boundary flag gets him praise or rewarded. Make sure that when he is wearing the collar you are not giving him any commands at this point, he needs to obey the collar. He will quickly learn that he gets praise when he stays inside the boundary.
At this point in the training, for a dog that is already trained with an e-collar it is perfectly acceptable to use the tone or vibrate if you have already been using that as a ‘come’ command. This is how we trained our dog to come to us without having to even say a word so he knows what to do when he hears the beep.
Step 4: Monitor their outdoor time.
These collars are excellent on a well trained dog but, you should never trust them to keep your dog safe without supervision until he has consistently stayed within the boundaries, even with temptation. The best way to know if your dog is understanding the training and if he will break the safe zone is to watch for temptations and distractions. You could even stage a few safe distractions to test him. For example, have a neighbor walk by and see how your dog reacts. Be wise however, if your dog was chasing cars the day before then he is probably not going to automatically learn not to chase cars. It may take some time. Be patient and stick with it and if all else fails turn the static up. Before to long your pup will be enjoying more time outside and you will feel good knowing he knows where his boundaries are.