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Dog Training Do's and Don'ts

Training your dog can be a fun and enjoyable activity as long as you stick to a few basic do’s and don’ts.
Don’t train your dog when you are under stress or if you are angry. If you are impatient with your dog he will know it and the training will not be effective. You should never take your anger out on your dog even when he is the cause of the anger. Training will be much more effective if you are calm and controlled. Dogs can sense when you are mad and the typical dog will become nervous and confused.
Don’t give up. Most dogs will eventually get what you are trying to teach them. Some dogs may take much longer than others. Most experts agree that you can teach any dog anything. It’s more about you whether you are willing to actually work with him until he gets it. But, be sure to end the training session before you both wear out. Twenty to thirty minutes of training per session is enough.
Don’t switch up methods of training too often. It is best to figure out what works for you dog and stick with that method for most of his commands. Having too many methods will confuse you and your dog and can become ineffective when you combine different commands.
Don’t train more than one dog at once. Dogs are distractions to each other and they can get confused by the other dogs reaction. Plus, one dog might be quicker to learn than the other and it creates boredom if you are having to work with one dog longer. Eliminating all distractions is usually best.
Take your time. Most dogs do not learn a command overnight. It takes time and plenty of it. Don’t are like children, the time you spend with them will increase their chances of accomplishing goals.
Spend quality time. Spending time doing other activities that do not require training is important for your relationship with your dog. If the only activity that you do with your dog is training then he will develop a personality that is almost too submissive. Your dog needs to feel that he pleases you often. He needs to feel like you are having fun with him.
Work on one command at a time. Working on more than one command at a time can confuse your dog. Try not to introduce new commands until he has fully understood the previous command.
Move forward. When your dog gets the command and consistently follows or responds to the command then you can move forward with a new command. Most dogs are smarter than we realize. You will know when you move forward too quickly.
Reward for good behavior. Remember to reward your dog during AND after the training session. If you notice your dog behaving when you are not training, it is a wonderful encouragement to reward him.
Be consistent. Building a relationship with your dog means constantly affirming good behavior and punishing bad behavior. Your dog needs to know that he gets the same reward or punishment every single time. He needs to know that even during play time there is never a time to misbehave or contradict his training.
Dog training can be difficult if you aren’t prepared. Following these do’s and don’t can save you a lot of stress and help you to be successful while training your dog. Always keep in mind that with different dogs, different things work better. Find what works for your dog and you will have success.