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Dog Tracking Collars
Know where they are and what they are doing using state of the art GPS dog collar technology.

- Garmin Alpha 300 Tracking & Training System$1,149.98
Continuous, Momentary, Vibration, Tone
The Garmin Astro 300 is a top-tier GPS tracking and training system, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts and professional dog trainers. It features robust, water-resistant design, advanced GPS/GLONASS tracking, customizable training options with the TT25 collar, and excellent battery life, ensuring reliable, precise tracking and effective training in any environment...
- SportDOG TEK 2.0 Training & GPS Tracking System$799.95
Out of stock
Continuous, Momentary, Vibration, Tone, Rise
Enjoy total control of your dog, or even up to 21 of them, with premium training features, along with feedback on their locations, via pre-loaded, full-color 1:100,000 topo maps. Simply put, no other system lets you hunt and navigate with such confidence...
- Border Patrol TC1 - GPS Portable Dog Fence / Remote Trainer$644.95
Continuous, Momentary, Vibration, Jump, Rise
Set a circular boundary around the remote, keeping your dogs as close to you as just a few feet, or as far as 2 miles away. With the Border Patrol, you can see them on the screen, and always know where they are. Portable to take anywhere, and can even be used in your home to create a pet containment boundary that keeps them in the yard...
- Garmin Alpha 200 Tracking & Training System$1,049.98
Continuous, Momentary, Vibration, Tone
Garmin's Alpha 200 system stands as a sophisticated GPS-based dog tracking and training solution, tailored for hunting enthusiasts and dog trainers. It provides precise tracking using GPS/GLONASS technology, robust training capabilities with the TT15X collar, and is encased in a durable, waterproof design, ensuring optimal performance in diverse outdoor conditions...
- Garmin Alpha 100 GPS Training & Tracking Collar$949.98
Out of stock
Continuous, Momentary, Tone
The Garmin Alpha is the perfect all-in-one e-collar, capable of training and tracking your gun dog all with the touch of a finger. No more fumbling with multiple e-collars. With a large and bright screen, you are able to see where they are and what they are doing. New features like geo-fencing allows you to set up a boundary zone that will warn you if your they are about to cross out of the area, allowing you to using the training features of the remote to call them back to you. Detailed maps allow you to see them from above...
- Dogtra Pathfinder® 2 GPS Tracking & Remote Training Collar$429.99
Continuous, Momentary, Tone
Dogtra introduces the worlds first Smartphone controlled GPS tracking and training device. Just download the App from Google Play or iTunes and be up and running in minutes...
- Garmin Astro® 430 w/ T5X GPS Tracking Collar Combo$749.98
Out of stock
Continuous, Momentary, Tone
This Garmin GPS tracker pinpoints your dog’s position and knows exactly where he is, even when you can’t see or hear him. Leave the hunting entirely to him. Includes the Astro 320 handheld unit and T5 transmitter collar...
Derrick Moore, Senior Field Staff

Satellite tracking has changed the way we hunt and keep up with our dogs
Tracking our hunting dogs has come a long way since trailing hounds through the English countryside on horseback. While those times may create a rich history of dog hunting, there is a more modern, and technical, way of monitoring the hunt. GPS (global positioning system) has been introduced to sporting breeds only recently, however, this technology is not new us. When John F. Kennedy announced a “space race” he put a mechanism in motion to create a navigation system that would eventually replace the map and compass. In the early 70’s the US Department of Defense developed this system that is now integrated into even the cell phones in our pockets. By placing the power of GPS in our handheld devices we can now transfer that ability to tracking our hunts with the utmost precision and accuracy.
How it works
GPS is simple. A receiver on the ground, or in your hand, collects signals from multiple satellites and triangulates your position on a map. It basically says, “You are here.” Your position is displayed in Latitude and Longitude, the same grid system use by Christopher Columbus when he crossed the Atlantic in 1492. Using GPS is simple, understanding lat and long is not so simple. For example, your receiver may read something like N 34° - W 77°, meaning 34 degrees north of the equator and 77 degrees west of the prime meridian. Lat and long can be expressed in decimal degree format, such as 34.5489°, decimal minutes displayed as 34° 31.22’, or in degrees minutes and seconds written as 34° 31’ 41”. Minutes and seconds are obviously in units of 60, however this has nothing to do with time. Most receivers can be set up in whichever unit format you prefer. When setting up your receiver you should also want to ensure you are using the same “datum” as those you are sharing information with since the world can’t agree on where exactly the equator and prime meridian is exactly on the ground. Common datum’s used in the US are NAD27 CONUS or WGS84.
Obviously plotting lat and long coordinates can get complicated and thankfully we have additional tools now for locating position. Geo-referenced maps and aerial photography can now be overlaid on many devices to create an interactive map to follow. Spending time to understand and read these types of map products are necessary but not at all difficult. If you have spent any time on Google Earth for example, you have studied geo-reference aerial photography. These are the same types of products either preloaded or available to add to most GPS dog tracking systems.
GPS vs. Radio telemetry collars

In past decades many hound hunters made use of radio telemetry tracking collars. These dog tracking collars transmitted a “pulse” or “beep” that could be picked up by a directional antenna and corresponding radio receiver. The direction of the antenna and strength of the signal would give a general location of the hound, but in order to be more accurate you would need to triangulate by taking multiple readings from various locations. Also, in order to determine the direction in which they were traveling you would need to take several readings over time. If you ran multiple hounds you would need multiple frequencies on your radio receiver. GPS dog tracking systems have eliminated this extra work and can provide you with the exact location of your hound, or multiple dogs, in one instant. These modern units can even tell you if they are treeing, on point, or what direction they may be traveling in. A plus of radio collars is an extremely long battery life, since it doesn’t take much energy to transmit the signal, which could be advantageous if a hound becomes lost for several days. I know several hunters that actually run both systems for this reason. However, a radio telemetry system is also very expensive as it would be more economical to replace an old system with GPS.
Advantages of using a dog GPS collar
For many reasons GPS dog tracking collars change the way hunt. We’re now able manage tracking better which in turn allows us a better hunt. Many GPS collars also can serve as a containment fence. By placing boundaries along property lines or roads we can control the area our pups hunt and ultimately confine them to a safe area. Several GPS tracking device for dogs also serve dual purpose and can be used as a training collar. The bundling of these two devices only makes sense when working or running young pups.
Add all those functions to a digital location and mapping device and you can easily see the many benefits to incorporating a GPS dog tracking system into your hunting routine. Not to mention the fact that it also maps your location and the way back to the truck. While old outdoor methods and traditions should be maintained, and every kid should know how to use a map and compass, a GPS dog collar is a game changer in the way that you and your gundog hunt.
--Derrick Moore
Senior Field Staff