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Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

This submissive, rugged, and versatile, athletic breed is a hard worker who requires more exercise than the average dog. The Griffon makes an excellent all-around companion and is considered by many to be the supreme gun dog. Even though pointing and retrieving are at the top of his skills, there are many other attributes that have earned him the “supreme” title. To say the Griffon is tough would be an understatement. Surviving and thriving under extreme weather conditions in the early breeding process developed a breed that can adapt to practically any region in the United States and elsewhere. Typically a close working dog who will not stray from your range and often looking to the hunter for guidance and direction but, recognizing his job and acting independently when necessary.
History and Origin
The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, unlike most breeds, was extremely well documented while being deliberately developed and bred in the 1800’s. Edward Korthals from Holland is credited with refining the Griffon through intensely studied breeding. In most countries the Griffon is still called the Korthals Griffon. Even though Korthals is from Holland he actually offered most of his Griffon exposure to the French, because France is where he traveled for his day job, therefore, some consider the Griffon a French breed instead of the breed’s original Dutch beginning. The Griffon was highly accepted among french businessmen wanting a submissive yet rugged breed with an excellent nose. Even though it was the businessman that made the breed popular, the Griffon is a hunter’s dog, specifically bred and loved by the walking hunter. Some thought because the Griffon was thick furred that he was of Siberian origin and therefore caused confusion in the late 1800’s however, because of Korthals well documented records the Griffon was confirmed to be from Holland but, some consider France the country of origin because the actual name “Wirehaired Pointing Griffon” was named and further established in France.
Wide Open Spaces
Because the Griffon requires large amounts of exercise this breed is not recommended for apartment or other confined living where he would be kenneled inside during the day. The Griffon needs space to run and plenty of freedom to exercise. Often when left unattended inside for hours on end the Griffon will become hyper and show extreme signs of separation anxiety. The Griffon will however, do well in an outdoor living space even in cooler climates. Many experienced Griffon owners will agree that the Griffon is an outside dog, usually choosing to be outside rather than inside warming up by the fire.
Amazing Stamina
Having a medium athletic build, this strong breed can tolerate most any climate and terrain. Born with an endless amount of stamina the Griffon will typically out hunt other breeds never wasting energy to run off and waste time while training or hunting. Even though the Griffon can often outlast other dogs and his owner, he is known to match his owner’s pace perfectly sticking by his side at all times.
Maintenance Is Required
The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon has a rough wiry coat, hence his name, and will need combing or brushing at least once a week. Even though burrs and briers are known to frequently get caught in the Griffon’s coat they are easily removed and the Griffon typically enjoys grooming. The breed has no major health concerns and the only minor health weakness is ear canal problems due to hair growing inside the ear canal. This problem can easily be avoided by simply cleaning and plucking the hair within the ear canal frequently.
Excellent Family Pet
The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon makes an excellent family watchdog being leery of strangers. Not considered dangerous, just cautious when approached or cornered. Once The Griffon has learned his boundaries he will typically stay put and will caution others not to cross that said boundary. However, the Griffon is extremely friendly to other dogs and can usually be trusted around smaller breeds and welcomes new pets into the family without question. Being mostly submissive and not dominant the Griffon will take a back seat to other more dominant dogs and will usually back down from a fight.