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Boosting The Confidence Of A Rescued Dog

Rescuing a dog whether it be a purebred or a mixed breed is ever increasing and is having a great impact on the dog community and dog lovers worldwide. A rescued dog may have issues that a dog from a breeder doesn’t necessarily have. One of the most common issues we hear is a lack of confidence, even in breeds that are typically pretty self-assured.
When you bring home your dog, the first few days are critical. Your dog will need immediate boundaries. Not just physical boundaries but, behavioral boundaries as well. Setting the boundaries and expectations right from the start will help to curb some of the confusion and anxiety of his new surroundings. If your dog is sure of his surroundings right from the beginning then he is more likely to feel confident in his surroundings and in you. It is most beneficial to have his physical boundaries set up prior to ever bringing him home. Having your rescued dog a safe comfortable crate already set up will offer him not only boundaries but, a safe place to go when he feels scared or nervous in his new home.
A rescued dog may have some habits to unlearn and some of these habits will be apparent from the beginning but, some may not rear their ugly head until the situation is right. Being smart and thinking ahead about possible bad habits can really make the transition easier. Offering your rescued dog plenty of toys and safe items that are his own will curb nervous chewing and lessen his chances of anxiety. Often when a dog begins to feel anxious he will be more aggressive and can become unruly. This is when many owners of rescues will begin to rethink their decision to adopt. However, if you are completely prepared and know what to expect you can make the whole process easier and actually enjoyable.
Bringing home a grown or almost grown rescue might be quite different from bringing home a puppy however, the process can be just as smooth if you put forth the time and effort. Most dogs just want to please their owners and a rescued dog is no different. If you see that your dog reacts negatively to a certain command just simply change it up. Some abuse or bad habits can’t be unlearned unless their is an alternative. You can make a world of difference if you recognize what doesn’t work with each training session.
Contrary to what you might think, rescued dogs make excellent hunting dogs and typically respond extremely well to correction using a training collar. The process of training a rescue should be similar to any dog with the exception of pre-determined expectations. If your dog is unclear of exactly what you want him to do then he may react with aggression or he may cower in fear of what is next. It is important with all dogs but, extremely important with rescued dogs that you pay attention to your dog’s reactions and fears and recognize when to end the training session and just love on your new companion.
There is no shortage of dogs that need rescuing and sites to help you find the perfect dog for your situation. As with all dog searching, make sure you have the time and the space to train your dog and the willingness to help your dog overcome his fears and his past.