Zinger Winger Black Nylon Mesh Pouch

1 Review(s) (5.0/5)

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A heavy duty nylon mesh pouch for all Zinger Winger bird launchers.

Fits all stand up Zinger Winger models.

Made from nylon mesh fabric these pouches will withstand years of use in the field. Nylon straps are sewn along the edges and crisscross the center to reinforce and give the pouch the strength it needs. The 5 heavy brass grommets that hold the rubber tubing and release bolt will not rust or pull out.

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BrandZinger Winger

Customer Reviews 1 item(s)

  • Overall
    Excellent service
    As the first-time shopper, I was very impressed with how easy it was to order and how quickly I received the item I was looking for. This will be a first stop for any future needs for my dog.
    Review by Ken McNutt - (Posted on 11/16/2022)